Tuesday, 4 March 2014

And we're off!!

Yesterday was the day!

We woke up bright and early (like 5 am early) and set off! We had to be at the ferry early to go through customs. It was a lovely, rainy, west coast day. As the ferry pulled out of the beautiful Victoria harbour, I felt a slight wrench in my stomach. Mostly excitement, but nerves too. Oliver and Sawyer were giddy with excitement, but Hayden was having a rougher time saying goodbye to his hometown.

So Matt took him for a quiet one on one walk around the ferry while I went inside so the others could run around a little. He was okay after a while. Poor little man just feels so much. And I love him for it. After we arrived in Port Angeles, we met my Dad and Step-mum for lunch and then headed back to their place.

If there's anyplace to begin a trip, this is it. They have possibly the most beautiful ocean view around.  It's impossible to not feel peaceful here. Their backyard is a beach, so Matt is down there with the boys right now, running around in the rain. It's fantastic. Combine that, with the incredible food (two fabulous cooks living here) and it's a straight-up vacation.

The one little big hiccup is that we discovered, on the Saturday before leaving, that there was a hole in our hot water tank. Serves us right for not checking it sooner. We didn't have time to deal with it before leaving, but luckily my dad has a guy for everything. I didn't even need to ask him if he had an RV guy (he doesn't even own an RV), I just said "Dad, can you call your RV guy for us?" and he got us in right away. They ordered a new one for us, and putting in in tomorrow morning. I'm glad we budgeted for repairs because this one is a doozy! I asked Matt how much it was, and this conversation happened:

"How much is wow?"
"Right in between ouch and boiiiing ".

100 points if you get that reference.

Anyway, I'm jut glad we discovered it while here rather than on the road. And we're still on schedule. Next stop- cousins!!


  1. Oh you guys are going to have the time of your lives!

  2. Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye couldn't have said it better themselves.

  3. I always thought it was "poing "
